You are invited to attend the juried group exhibition “Memento Mori,” which in Latin means to “remember that you must die.” We seek to explore the inevitability of death and its impact on all of us. During the pandemic, we’ve had to let go of old ways of thinking and being in the world and adopt new ways of living. Death, in all its forms, can provide an opportunity to adapt, appreciate, honor and value the lives we are currently living. Remembering that we all will die one day allows us to be present in the world and more present in our lives. Death reminds us that each moment of life is sacred.
The exhibition will be on display during the months of October and November.
Opening Reception:
First Friday Art Walk: Friday, October 7th, 2022, from 5:00-8:00
Music. Beer and snacks available.
Community Altar:
Come join us to build our community altar. Bring something or create something to add to the altar in remembrance of those who have passed away, but are not forgotten.
Paper Flower Making:
Learn how to make paper flowers that you can add to the community altar or your own. Supplies provided.
Come support the arts in our community!