MEDIUM Art Gallery: A Community Exhibition Space


Medium Art Gallery is open, but we still need your support. As you know, resources and outlets for artists in rural communities are limited and often mired in steep representation/gallery commission fees. We are trying to change that model.

At Medium Art Gallery there are no submission fees to enter our exhibitions, and we pay the artist the entire list value for their artwork upon sale. We do not take commissions.

There are big plans ahead — starting with themed shows every two months and moving into workshops, lectures, and film screenings coming soon. We have many more ideas for art opportunities, and we are very excited about what the future holds.

Our dream is to create this space in celebration and support of COMMUNITY. We want to create this with YOU, and we will need your input, your help, and your creativity to bring it to life. We would love to hear your thoughts. What do you want to see happen at MEDIUM? What do you feel our art community is lacking? What would you like to be involved with? Please email us at with any thoughts or to find out how to get involved. Let’s build this together!

Gallery Hours.

  • Friday 12-8 PM

  • Saturday 12-6 PM

  • Sunday 12-4 PM

The gallery is located in Ukiah inside the Pear Tree Center at 522 E. Perkins Street.

Make a donation.

Your donation to the Deep Valley Arts Collective supports our mission to create a culture that nurtures artistic development while contributing to the well-being of our community.


Amazon Wishlist

Help support our ongoing needs by purchasing items from our wishlist on Amazon.